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Overcoming the Fear of Investing in Multifamily Real Estate

Not sure if now’s the right time to invest because the market seems crazy?

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the nature of today’s real estate market. The ups and downs can make anyone hesitant, especially when considering an investment in multifamily real estate.

The problem is that you’re afraid of taking the first steps to invest in real estate, even though right now is the best time to get started.

So how do you overcome this fear?

MB416: Monetizing the RV Boom with Wheel Estate — With Garr Russell

Are you looking to build a business but don’t want to start from scratch? What if you could learn a proven system and receive support from someone who’s done it themselves? Listen in as Garr Russell shares the opportunity to grow an RV rental management franchise and build wealth with WHEEL estate!

The FIRE Method: Can You Really Retire With It?

Are you familiar with the FIRE Method?  FIRE stands for financial independence, retire early.  It’s a concept that’s been gaining increasing popularity over the recent years. The idea is simple: save and invest aggressively, live modestly, and retire in your 30s or 40s – well before 65. That sounds great, right?  Sure does! But as […]

Setting – And Achieving – Goals for 2024

A simple system to fix the mistakes of 2023 People always start conversations with the same question every new year…   “So what are your New Year’s resolutions?” “What do you want to do this year that you didn’t do last year?” Chances are, you set goals that went live on January 1. But by February, […]

5 Common Mistakes That Are Killing Your House Flipping Profits

You’ve seen it on HGTV – flipping houses seems like a fast track to big bucks, right? But as many of you know all too well, reality often paints a different picture. 

I’ve flipped houses (dozens of them), managed rentals, negotiated short sales post-recession, and currently own a portfolio of apartment buildings worth over $350 million.